Photo: Henriksen, Hans / Norsk Teknisk Museum

Kongelige biler

4 objects


Serie 80. 8 sylindret rekkemotor. Four Door Sport Phaeton Karosseri. (642 bygget).
Volum: 5,2 liter Ytelse: 106 hk
Toppfart: 140 km/t


Lekebil i målestokk 1 : 3.


Bilen har en motor med 4 sylindre og et slagvolum på 4,5 liter. Den yter 40 hestekrefter og har en toppfart på ca 70 km/time.


Herresykkel merke Raleigh. For-og-bakbremse fungerer. Tråfunksjon fungerer.

Crown Prince Olav’s ”Baby Cadillac” from 1912 was a toy car, but at the same time it has a place in the early history of electric vehicles. King Haakon’s impressive Minerva from 1913, which he bought a few days after getting his driving license, was in service until the 1930s. Before WW2, King Haakon also owned a Raleigh bicycle, which was among the most expensive bikes on the market. The open Buick, which brought Crown Prince Olav through the streets of Oslo on 13 May 1945, symbolizes the days of liberation after WW2.

Norsk Teknisk Museum has many “royal objects.” In the exhibition I/O (top floor) you can also see King Olav’s huge mobile phone from the 1980s, in the exhibition Life and Death (ground floor) you can find electrical treatment apparatus donated by the Royal Palace, while the Music Machines exhibition (ground floor) displays Queen Maud’s gramophone and her self-playing piano from the early 20th Century.

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